No matter how well you take care of your Indiana lawn, there’s always a chance that the stress of the hot humid weather can lead to damage or disease. The staff at All Brothers Lawn Squad LLC has the professional expertise, as well as the right equipment and materials, to keep both residential and business lawns as healthy as possible through the strain of the summer season. In order to prevent these diseases from taking hold of your grass, it can be helpful to know the particular signs of the most common lawn diseases found in Eastern Indiana.

Brown Patch
Brown patch appears during the hot, humid temperatures of summer. If you spot large, irregular patches that appear to be dry or dead, this is a sure sign that brown patch has invaded your yard. If this disease has settled into your lawn for any amount of time, the inside of the patch can be repaired and restored, but it may leave a ring of dead grass around it.
Rust Disease
When you find irregular light-green or yellow patches on your lawn, you have stumbled across rust disease. Take a closer look and you’ll see orange-yellow rust-colored spores on each individual blade of grass. This disease typically pops up during late summer and early fall, especially in shady or poorly ventilated areas. If your lawn isn’t properly fertilized throughout the year, rust disease can appear on your lawn in the spring. This can be avoided by taking advantage of a professional fertilizer application service.
Summer Patch
Summer patch typically appears between the months of June and September, when hot, humid daytime temperatures reach over 85 degrees. It’s characterized by irregular, ring, and crescent-shaped brown patches. Although summer patch can last through cooler weather, the symptoms won’t be as visible.
Prevent these nasty lawn diseases from invading your well-manicured yard. Contact the experts at All Brothers Lawn Squad today, by calling (765) 371-4186 to schedule a free consultation for our lawn care services. Whether you need insect and pest control, spring and fall cleanup, or seeding and renovation, we are happy to provide these services to the areas of Portland, Muncie, Winchester, and Richmond.
Source: “How to Identify Lawn Diseases.” The Scotts Company, LLC. 31. May. 2019.